Melanie Rodriguez is passionate about improving the education, economic prosperity and health of children all around the world. Her nonprofit experiences range from implementing strategy workshops in Canada to evaluating public health infrastructure programs in Nicaragua. Since 2012, she has completed nine nonprofit consulting projects in North America, Central America, and South America. To develop the skills necessary to consult in the nonprofit sector, Melanie worked in a variety of roles including evaluating the risk of a 200-million-dollar banking portfolio, delivering post-graduate sustainability curriculums and managing over 500 international volunteers. Most recently, Melanie applied her passion and skillset as Executive Director of the Alma Children’s Education Foundation – a charity implementing rural education programs in Peru and Bolivia.
Melanie plans to continue pursuing her passion by establishing Capacity Creation, an organization that will improve the productivity, efficiency and impact of small nonprofits through the delivery of Volunteer Management Systems. Volunteer Management Systems also address youth unemployment and underemployment in Canada. These systems provide nonprofits with the tools, templates and resources they need to improve the productivity of volunteers while supporting the professional development of volunteers in a time-efficient manner.