Yvonne Osagie is a fourth-year student at Carleton University, studying Neuroscience and Mental Health with minors in American Sign Language and Business. With dedication and commitment to empowering others and ensuring a safer community, she has embarked on many projects. She is currently the program director of Young Sustainable Impact and a Faculty of Science Councillor for the Carleton University Student Association where she helps young adults form entrepreneurship ventures aimed to tackle the UN Sustainable Development Goals. As president and Founder of the Terry Fox Club, she helped to raise over $220,000 for cancer research and continues to volunteer and do outreach within her community. Yvonne’s interests include global and social change, economic advancements in developing nations, mental health awareness, and music. On social issues, she advocates for women’s empowerment, equality, and general health and well being of others both physically and mentally.
Yvonne has created the social enterprise, Empower Many (EM), building off her passions for women’s empowerment and community resilience. EM is an online platform that helps survivors of sexual abuse and aids in their mental health. By offering unique services that focus on prevention, support and awareness, it can aid in uplifting a community. EM addresses SDG #3 – Good Health and Well-being, and SDG #10 – reduced inequality.