Flavia Nascimento Illustration

Born in Brazil, Flávia Nascimento started her artistic career there as a graduated actress from the University Theatre in Belo Horizonte. She was notably a part of the distribution of the play The Cruscible, went on tour for a year with the musical comedy Mulheres de Hollanda and cofounded the mass education theatre Cara-Cara, which raises awareness in the communities concerning the environment.

Around 1998 Flávia met her future husband and father of her children, a Canadian volunteer from Québec who works for the Cirque du Monde project, overseen by the Cirque du Soleil. She herself gave circus workshops for the youths in the project, giving her the roots to grow as a clown and a stilts walker. After a lot of circus adventures in Brazil, in 2001 the couple decided to travel and establish themselves in Québec City, Flavia’s first adoptive city.

Very quickly, this luminous and versatile artist made herself known in the cultural landscape of Québec. Several times in a row over the years, Flávia sold out all the seats at the Théâtre du Petit Champlain, as well as the Cercle. After investing time and energy polishing her art and graduating as an autonomous artist from the Ampli de Québec, she decided to devote herself solely on her singing in the beginning of 2014. She took advantage of a family trip to Brazil and of a grant won between the graduates to record her first solo CD, a self named mini-album.

Photograph of musician Flavia Nascimento

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